The network of franchising

Sixteen PIADINA, the network of franchised piadinerie Made in Italy. A name and a logo easy to remember for catering Sixteen PIADINA is a new format proposed by the catering company Margot, who for more than twenty years successfully builds and sells innovative machines for the commercial catering and cooking without a leader in the chimney. The new brand offers a piadineria crafted with fresh dough every day, according to local tradition.

The formula provides for the opening of a new piadineria in just 30 days and immediate economic benefits. The sixteen local PIADINA is young and contemporary and features original menus. The turnkey business is supplied with tools and strategies without prior access fees, royalties and purchase of consumer products.

The franchisor offers various types, starting from an initial investment of 32,000 Euros:

  • Small 26-30 square meters
  • Medium 20-50 square meters
  • Large 60-80 square meters
  • Extra than 80 square meters

With franchising Diétnatural you can find your ideal weight

Diétnatural deals with nutrition and dietetics to search for the Ideal Weight correctly.
The path that is specified for each person tends to drive the same to a right relationship with your body and start with a free consultation to determine the best path to pursue.Based on the result of targeted analysis is then devised a customized program of nutritional re-education.

The company has decided to expand their business by franchising in 2012 and has already opened more than 20 centers.
In each center there are nutritional consultants qualified to educate customers on the correct diet to follow to find your ideal weight, combining natural supplements to speed up the process of weight loss. And the franchise industry nutrition and dietetics with the highest profit margins in the category.

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Driver, the franchise specializing in tire service

The network of centers in the service of the motorist. Driver is an Italian company founded in 2002 by Pirelli Tyres, Pirelli Group companies, and entrepreneurs active in the resale and installation of tires from the best brands.
Motorists rely on the company because it is always able to respond positively to any kind of problem.
The services offered by Driver is always marked on the market for:

  • professionalism
  • competence
  • transparency
  • reliability

The company offers extensive geographical coverage through a network of franchised centers located across the nation.
Saturday, September 21 opened a new franchise in the province of Bolzano Drivers and sleep 10 more openings planned before the end of the year.

The franchisor constantly invests in national and local communication to transmit their values and inform about the many active promotions.

Those who choose to open a Driver Center is a team of professionals capable of providing support in the activation process, from choosing the ideal location to launch plan for the opening. Every affiliate Driver is constantly followed by a consultant in the area trained to support the development of its business through a formation constant, targeted actions on customers and agreements with local partners.

The company’s strategy focuses on the full-featured retailers to offer consumers and car parks full service, professional and transparent.

The company has set itself the goal of continuing to expand the network in 2014 and plans to build content and affiliates in such a way as to strengthen the role of market leaders tires and service for both private consumers and business.

If you want to get into franchising network write an email to receive all the information and also to open a new center in your city tire service Driver.

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For the consumables for your office is the franchise

The innovative formula of shops 1point

SosCartucce is a national network of stores specializing in cartridges and more…
Since 2002, the company’s core business is selling Internet sales of consumables for printing, ink cartridges, toners, ribbons, paper, and stationery and everything related to the world of the office – But all this can also be found in franchised stores located throughout the country.

All outlets 1point have available an assortment of consumables over 60,000 codes and a catalog with thousands of items for school and office.

SosCartucce can count on a technical and commercial staff knowledgeable and attentive to market novelties.
The centers are franchised original articles that are compatible with and the staff is always able to advise customers on the best shopping to be done. If you want to pursue a gainful activity backed by a well-established and experienced in the industry in which it operates login in and put in touch with the franchisor : soon you’ll get all the detailed information to open a new store SosCartucce franchise.

Free ice cream for all the inauguration of the new ice cream franchise Cream & Chocolate

The traditional Italian ice cream for everyone. Cream & Chocolate is a brand that has been operating since 2001, with a network of artisan ice cream franchise on the whole national territory. The network has had tremendous growth over the years thanks to a proposal Affiliate turnkey with low initial investment and no royalties to be paid to the parent company. The Mother House provides all affiliates furnishings and equipment free loan.

The process of affiliation does not stop the supply of the product, but a team of experts accompanies it, step by step, the franchisee at all stages prior to the opening, to deliver the full local and ready to use. The management of the ice cream is very simple and extremely profitable, mark-ups are high, and there are no leftovers or waste. To undertake the activities you need is a minimum investment of only € 19,900.

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