Sixteen PIADINA, the network of franchised piadinerie Made in Italy. A name and a logo easy to remember for catering Sixteen PIADINA is a new format proposed by the catering company Margot, who for more than twenty years successfully builds and sells innovative machines for the commercial catering and cooking without a leader in the chimney. The new brand offers a piadineria crafted with fresh dough every day, according to local tradition.
The formula provides for the opening of a new piadineria in just 30 days and immediate economic benefits. The sixteen local PIADINA is young and contemporary and features original menus. The turnkey business is supplied with tools and strategies without prior access fees, royalties and purchase of consumer products.
The franchisor offers various types, starting from an initial investment of 32,000 Euros:
- Small 26-30 square meters
- Medium 20-50 square meters
- Large 60-80 square meters
- Extra than 80 square meters
With franchising Diétnatural you can find your ideal weight
Diétnatural deals with nutrition and dietetics to search for the Ideal Weight correctly.
The path that is specified for each person tends to drive the same to a right relationship with your body and start with a free consultation to determine the best path to pursue.Based on the result of targeted analysis is then devised a customized program of nutritional re-education.
The company has decided to expand their business by franchising in 2012 and has already opened more than 20 centers.
In each center there are nutritional consultants qualified to educate customers on the correct diet to follow to find your ideal weight, combining natural supplements to speed up the process of weight loss. And the franchise industry nutrition and dietetics with the highest profit margins in the category.